Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How Lucky To Be A Woman

FORTUNATE is a woman, who with her womb works for Alloh… as a human factory.

Every month she is given a fully paid leave... for 7 up to 15 days a month she is exempted from the obligatory prayers but Alloh considers that period to be the best prayers offered by her..

Maternity leave is also given for 50-60 days. This is not the leave that is taken at leisure but a time off that is granted by Alloh for working for Him. Men do not have any time off from obligatory prayers. Obligatory daily prayers are cumpolsury upon men from puberty until the last of his breath.

One more good news for women, during her pregnancy Alloh never stop forgiving all her sins, by the time the baby is born, she does not have any more sins on her account. This is truly God’s Mercy on women, so why should any women be afraid of being pregnant?

Let’s us hold fast altogether to the Rope of Alloh. If the woman dies in her pregnancy, it is considered as a “shahadah” (die as a martyr). Alloh gives her permission to enter Paradise. For disbelievers, they would not enter paradise but Alloh will give them leniency from punishment in the grave.

As a reminder for all women who are married, the wives will get all the rewards form all of the husbands’ good acts but they are not liable for the sins of the husbands. A righteous woman would be surprised in the hereafter with all the extra rewards she received from Alloh due to the goodness done by the husband that was not aware of in the previous life.

When she notices her husband struggling to cross “the bridge of siraat” she does not want to enter paradise alone without the husband, so she will freely give away some of her rewards to the husband so as he will also enter paradise.

When a wife can already help her husband out when he is in difficulty in this world so it will be even more so in the next world. Unless a wife is patient, does not always nag, always present a cheerful face she would not be given these extra rewards.

On the other hand, a husband has a big responsibility both inside and outside the house. He will carry the burden of all the sins of the wife and children that he did not provide with good Islamic education, in addition to his own sins.

All women are adviced to understand this law of Alloh so as not to go against Alloh. And so as not to be disloyal to the husband as well...

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